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MAVETECH Terms of Services

1. Glossary

1.1. MaveTech - The digital network consultancy and solutions company Maverick Technology America LLC, located at 30 N Gould St, STE 4000, Sheridan, WY 82801, and represented in its relations with the Customer by its legal or authorized representative.

1.2. Price List - The list of general prices of MaveTech’s services, digital resources, consultation services, and any potential sanctions, set forth by MaveTech and publicly available to the Customer from MaveTech customer service and on the MaveTech Website.

1.3. Website - MaveTech’s store website at https://store.mavetechnology.net/ , and MaveTech's main website at https://mavetechnology.net/

1.4. Personal Information - Customer’s personal details (Customer’s legal name, date of birth, identity document details) and contact information (Customer’s address, contact details, e-mail address) and information regarding the Service used by the Customer (Service usage volume and history, Customer’s payment history), as held by MaveTech.

1.5. Customer - A natural or legal person who has an ongoing contractual relationship with MaveTech based on a Customer Agreement, acting either personally or through its legal or authorized representative. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, an individual or entity may only become a Customer if the individual or entity is of legal age and has no outstanding debts to MaveTech.

1.6. Service - Any services provided by MaveTech to the Customer, including but not limited to network consultancy, digital downloads, custom consulting services, managed services, and network simulation racks.

1.7. General Terms - These General Terms of MaveTech's Services.

1.8. Agreement - The agreement concluded between the Customer and MaveTech for the provision of Service.


2. Concluding the Agreement

2.1. MaveTech concludes Agreements in English. This applies to the implementation of Agreements, including dispute resolution.

2.2. When a Customer subscribes to a Service, the Service Agreement terms will be presented to the Customer for review. Once the Customer confirms that they have reviewed the terms and wish to subscribe to the Service, the terms will be deemed accepted by the Customer. The Agreement will come into effect when the Customer pays the first invoice issued to them by MaveTech.

2.3. MaveTech reserves the right to decline entering into an Agreement if the other party has breached MaveTech's or third-party terms of service (e.g., a payment obligation) or has not followed best practices of Internet usage or for other substantial reasons as determined by MaveTech.

2.4. The Service's start date is the date when MaveTech makes the Service available to the Customer.

2.5. For our one-time consulting service, we allow up to three revisions. For our monthly plan, each distinct topic has a limit of up to three daily revisions and no more than fifteen revisions in a month. Regarding our vLab service, customers can seek unlimited basic assistance to address technical issues. However, the complementary consultations offered with the vLab service are capped at two sessions per month.


3. MaveTech’s rights and obligations

3.1. To ensure continuous vLab Service availability to the Customer at all times. This obligation does not extend to consulting services.

3.2. In the event of an interruption in the vLab Service due to circumstances beyond the Customer’s control, MaveTech will rectify such circumstances within its service domain at MaveTech’s expense, in accordance with the terms outlined in this Agreement.

3.3. To notify the Customer at least 48 hours in advance of any conditions that may impede the use of the Service, including but not limited to, suspensions due to technical reasons.

3.4. MaveTech reserves the right to modify its prices and Service terms, providing written notice to the Customer at least 30 calendar days ahead of time.

3.5. MaveTech reserves the right to amend the general terms of this Agreement by displaying the updated terms on the Website and notifying the Customer in writing at least 30 calendar days beforehand.

3.6. MaveTech is entitled to suspend or terminate the Service if the Customer breaches the terms of this Agreement. For example, if the Customer has not settled an invoice within 5 days past the stipulated due date, a warning will be sent via email at least 5 days prior to any action.

3.7. MaveTech strives to maintain its services at the forefront of the industry. We reserve the right to update the modalities of our Service provision, including technological platforms and software tools utilized, by providing customers with prior notice. These updates can arise from shifts in legal frameworks, technological advancements, and security concerns.

3.8. Regarding the DIGITAL DOWNLOAD service, all resources are exclusively licensed to the purchasing customer. These resources must not be transferred, shared, or made available to any third party. Any violation of this term could lead to penalties or service termination.


4. Customer’s rights and obligations

4.1. The Customer has the right to utilize the Service as per their requirements, strictly adhering to its designated use. The Customer commits to employ the Services in compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy, the Agreement, all relevant regulations (which include intellectual property laws), principles of good faith, and best practices.

4.2. The Customer is mandated to:

4.2.1. Settle invoices for Services consumed as per the billing presented by MaveTech, within the payment duration mentioned on every invoice.

4.2.2. Report any network inconsistencies, glitches, or disruptions by dispatching an e-mail to [email protected].

4.2.3. For vLab services, not to utilize the Service in a manner that disrupts the operational integrity of the communication network, technical systems, or servers.

4.2.4. Update their personal contact details within the Customer Portal whenever there is a change.

4.3. Regarding consulting services, Customers are encouraged to communicate openly, provide necessary information promptly, and collaborate efficiently to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the service. While feedback is always welcome, repeated and unjustified changes beyond the set revisions will be subject to additional fees.


5. Parties’ certifications at concluding the Agreement

5.1. Both Parties mutually confirm that:

5.1.1. They have both passive and active legal capacities, and there have been no bankruptcy proceedings initiated against them nor has any bankruptcy caution been issued. If a Party represents a legal entity, they confirm that no resolution for dissolution has been made regarding that entity.

5.1.2. They have secured all the requisite approvals and consents to sign and execute the Agreement. Concluding and executing the Agreement does not lead to a breach of any obligation as per a legal or administrative ruling, court decree, or any other legal commitment of the Party. Moreover, they possess all the vital resources and competencies to meet their responsibilities as per the Agreement.

5.2. Should there be any changes to the circumstances mentioned in Section 5.1, both Parties pledge to notify the other about such changes.

5.3. The Customer assures MaveTech that:

5.3.1. Prior to the formalization of the Agreement, they have gone through all its terms (which includes the relevant general and specific Terms of Service, General Terms, and the Price List). They have grasped these terms and are fully cognizant of all the rights and duties that arise from the Agreement.

5.3.2. All the details provided by them to MaveTech while entering into the Agreement are accurate. They also recognize that entities other than MaveTech might depend on this accuracy. Submitting false or incorrect information could lead to penalties against both them and/or MaveTech.


6. Amendment and termination of the Agreement

6.1. MaveTech reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of the Agreement in response to legislative changes, alterations in judicial practice, administrative authority interventions, or other significant circumstances concerning Service provision. MaveTech will post the updated terms on its Website at least 30 days before they become effective. If the Customer disagrees with the modified terms, they may terminate the Agreement within 30 days and receive a refund for the unused portion of the Service.

6.2. The Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement anytime by discontinuing the relevant Service(s) via the Customer Portal or by sending a digitally signed application to [email protected].

6.3. If the Customer opts to end the Agreement, they are obliged to cover the costs for Services provided by MaveTech up to the termination date. Should the Customer decide to end the Agreement before the billing period concludes, and if the Service Agreement states a fee billed periodically, the Customer must pay the entire billing cycle fee without entitlement to a refund.

6.4. MaveTech holds the authority to terminate the Agreement within 10 days if the opposing Party consistently breaches the Agreement, and Service has been limited according to Sections 3.6 and 4.2.3, and the grounds for such restriction persist.


7. Payment for Service

7.1. MaveTech will bill the Customer for Services according to the subscription's billing cycle. Invoicing commences from the activation date of the Service in the Customer Portal, irrespective of the Customer's actual utilization of the Service.

7.2. It is incumbent upon the Customer to promptly notify MaveTech if they do not receive an invoice for Service, or if they identify any discrepancies or errors on the invoice.


8. Disclaimer

8.1. MaveTech will not bear responsibility for communication interruptions or technical issues if the stipulations of Sections 3.6, 4.2.2, and 4.2.3 are infringed upon.

8.2. Neither Party shall be liable for the non-fulfillment or improper execution of responsibilities arising from the Agreement due to force majeure events.

8.3. Any unforeseen events outside the control of either Party, including but not limited to fires, explosions, natural calamities, wars, etc., will be deemed as force majeure.

8.4. The onset of force majeure does not exempt the Parties from the duty to mitigate the damages resulting from such events. Both Parties are bound to recommence fulfilling their responsibilities once the force majeure ceases.

8.5. MaveTech retains the right to supervise the utilization of its services and might disclose details about the service use for various reasons. Such reasons include complying with legal and regulatory stipulations, accommodating legal or law enforcement requests, ensuring proper service delivery, or safeguarding the rights of the users or their clients. MaveTech may grant law enforcement agencies access to its infrastructure to oversee the services' use.

8.6. MaveTech does not assure that the Service usage will be free of complications or disruptions.

8.7. Any guidance or advice given by MaveTech or its representatives cannot be construed as warranties.

8.8. MaveTech shall only be held responsible for any direct proprietary damages inflicted upon the Customer due to the violation of its obligations stated in the Agreements. Accountability is rooted in deliberate intent or gross negligence. MaveTech's maximum liability shall not surpass one month's fee for the pertinent Service.

8.9. For vLab services, MaveTech is not liable for claims or damages stemming from the Customer's insufficient precautions and practices; attacks on the internet, or interception of network traffic.


9. Confidentiality

9.1. The information provided by the Customer will be treated as confidential. MaveTech pledges not to reveal it to third parties without obtaining prior written consent from the other Party.

9.2. MaveTech has the authority to convey and disclose the Customer’s details to credit assessment agencies and debt recovery entities if the Customer accrues unpaid bills.

9.3. The commitment to confidentiality will persist indefinitely even after the Agreement's conclusion.

9.4. MaveTech's staff members are bound to uphold the secrecy of confidential data encountered during their professional duties, continuing this obligation even after the end of such data processing and the conclusion of their employment.


10. Refund Policy

10.1. The Customer is entitled to terminate an Agreement that was formalized online within fourteen calendar days from the Agreement’s conclusion date by discontinuing Service in the Customer Portal. Should the Customer, during Service termination, seek a reimbursement of the fee for the unutilized Service segment (the total amount paid minus charges for the days when the Service was utilized), reimbursement will be executed promptly but no later than 30 days post MaveTech receiving the Agreement withdrawal notification.

Exceptions to refund are as follows:

  • You've already petitioned for a refund. Each account is permitted a single refund.
  • For vLab services, 12 hours after the vLab has been delivered.
  • Consultation services are non-refundable once they commence.
  • DIGITAL DOWNLOADS are non-refundable.
  • You have an active consultation booked or in progress.
  • The service has been transferred from another customer’s account.
  • Cryptocurrency payments will not be refunded.
  • Renewal transactions are non-refundable.
  • In the event of promotional sales, discounted products are non-refundable.

10.2. Each time a refund is made, a fee will be charged based on the deductions made by your payment method. (Payment method refers to Paypal, Stripe, etc.)

Last updated: Aug 28, 2023

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